
Our women’s ministry is designed to help women develop spiritually through prayer, Bible study, and service to others. We want women to know how much they are loved and valued by God; they are as a “pearl of great price” to Him (Matthew 13:45-46).  Our mission at Sonlit Hills is to help women find their worth in God and not in the world.  Women you are priceless to Jesus Christ!

As Christian women we believe we are to serve God faithfully in our homes, church, and community.  It is our goal at Sonlit Hills to prepare God’s women for works of service so that the Body of Christ may be built up (Ephesians 4:12).  We encourage you to use your spiritual gifts and talents that God has given you in the following areas of ministry (Ephesians 4:8).


Where Can You Serve in Women’s Ministry?

L.I.F.E. Prayer Ministry

Ladies Interceding and Fasting for Everyone Prayer Ministry – Meets the First Monday of every month to pray. We believe that prayer is essential in every Christian’s life, and it brings about great breakthrough in our walk with God. Women at Sonlit Hills are committed to prayer and fasting for our nation, President and all government leaders, the church, for all people and nations, as well as personal prayer requests throughout the week (1Timothy 2:1-3).  (Due to the Covid-19 virus we will not meet instead we will pray by text the first Monday of every month until further notice).

T.L.C. Bible Studies (Postponed until further notice)

Teaching Ladies Christ Ministry helps women grow in their walk with Jesus Christ through Bible study and discipleship classes. Inductive and interactive Bible studies are held throughout the year, for more information please check our  calendar for our next upcoming home Bible Study.

Manna Meals Ministry

The Manna Ministry provides warm delicious meals for our church family that need help due to illness, disability, or hospitalization. If you like to cook or know where to buy a delicious meal, you’ll fit right in with the rest of the Manna Team.

Women’s Home Fellowship Group (Postponed until further notice)

Come out and fellowship with us, it’s a wonderful time to have fun, dine on delicious food, and be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith. We meet the second Friday of the month at various homes, please check our calendar or call the church office for location.